Monday, February 25, 2008


So, many people would think "Um, hey Joe. About this blog I just read (which I'm currently writing), I'm glad to see that you left 1983 behind and finally got an i-something." iDid it. iGot an iPod after all the prolonging and delaying and reasoning as to why iShouldn't spend the money on something that everyone seems to have at least 3 of.

Curious which one iFinally pulled the trigger on? Well, Nosey McSnooperson, iPicked up the 8GB nano with the little video screen. iFigured that since iAlready had about a bazillion downloaded songs from limewire, iShould probably find someway to carry them around with me than strapping my PC to my back and possibly resembling Egon Spengler.

So, what was the biggest surprise that came from this purchase? That iHaven't felt this shammed into getting a more naked product since Super Nintendo came out with one controller and NO GAMES. My main purpose for this iGizmo was to use it at the gym so iDon't have to listen to grunting, over-the-hill dudes and fat-bottom girls make the Bally's world go round. My gripe basically came from instinct, as natural as finding my mother's teet, that you have to get a hard case for the thing. Duh. Boom... $20. Well, iGuess iCan't just sit there and hold the stupid thing, so you gotta get the "active arm band" right? Bling. $30. Fantastic. Now I'm hooked up and ready to FINALLY start my new life right? No, Joe. When your done getting diesel, where would you listen to this graham cracker of a hassle next? In the car of course. And since we've moved past the cassette deck-to-discman days of 1996, my carkit isn't worth anything to me. Enter the auxilery jack for the iChild. $15. And the best part is... iDon't even get to plug the stupid thing into the wall like any other awesome appliance... like a toaster or Dust Buster.

iSuppose the kicker lies in that the only thing iDon't want to ultimately pay for the iCoaster is the music itself. Very iRonic. Ok. iQuit.