Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Isn't it time for Arby's?

"Can I help you?"

"Yeahhh... uh... Number four please. Make it big. You know... bigger."

"Is that all?"


"For here or to go?"

"For here please."

"Your total is $7.03"

(Money exchanged, cue the intermission while my tray is being stacked with napkins, arby sauce, an oil tanker of carbination with corn syrup and what looks like a half gallon of milk, but there's no top and curly fries are crawling out of it.)

"Anything else sir?"

"No, I'm good."

"Have a good night sir."


Another senseless, unthoughtful dinner in the books. Welcome to my Tuesday night. Please pull up to the second window...


Kate said...


Tara said...

Now only if it had gravy on it.

(I hope in honor of your blog's name you mention Victor McSweatpant. More than once.)